With Love, Your 20-year-old self

Dear Mary,

I feel the compassion you have for me as I navigate this year. I feel that hug you wish you could give your 20-year-old self. 

It's hard to reflect on this year. So much anticipation, joy, and heartache. I hope someday you can look back and see the ways God has made something beautiful out of your brokenness. 

I know we will never stop missing her. I know the pain won't fully go away. I do know that we find ways to honor Della everyday. We won't let anyone forget her. I just know that if on the worst day of our life, we get to meet Della Jane, I can't wait for the rest of it. 

I pray that the Lord blesses this year with guidance and peace that passes all understanding. Know that I am praying for you.

Here’s to 21!

With Love,

Your 20-year-old self


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